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New PhaseOne Camera

The recently launched PhaseOne IXM RS150 mp digital camera has been paired with the new Galaxy Prime LiDAR system replacing the old 80 mp CS10000 camera.

The new iXM-RS150F is a highly productive 150- mega pixel aerial survey camera. Equipped with a new full frame sensor (14204 x 10652), and with a 3.76-micrometer pixel size it enables higher ground resolution from a higher flight altitude and provides a larger aerial coverage resulting in higher aerial survey productivity. The camera uses backside-illuminated CMOS sensor technology with a high dynamic range of 83 dB allowing higher image quality even in low light conditions, enabling more flight hours a day and more flight days a year. A very fast image capture rate of 2 frames per second enables flights with larger forward overlap, required for high quality 3D city models.

Unique Features:

  • Wide aerial coverage

  • Exceptional accuracy and image quality

  • Eight RS lens options

  • Scalability to form multi-camera arrays

  • Easy integration with aerial systems

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